Senin, 14 Maret 2011

WWW ~ Week Without Walls

i heard that there will be a Week Without Walls, 
which was a field trip for 10 graders.
i was thinking that the trip won't be fun and it will make me bored a lot.
i did not want to join it, 
especially, that school asked us to pay some fee for the trip, 
and it's not cheap anyway. 
imagine, we need to pay 3.4 millions rupiah, only for the trip!  
but then, my parents asked me to go to this Cita Hati trip. 
they said that it might be useful for my next future. 
finally, I joined the trip, 
but then, I was so stubborn that I still thinking that it won't be fun at all.

people who are join in this trip, 
were needed to have several meetings to discuss about the trip. 
we had the meetings for around 4-5 times. 
the groups and roommate have been settled. 
my class were separated into 2 groups, 
and I am included in the 2nd group, 
together with Evelyn, Ivy, Isaac and Kevin. 
while, the rest of the class are going to be in another group. 
my roommate would be the person who always be together in one room. 
can you guess, who's the person? 
it's my lovely twin sista, Janet :D.

few weeks before going to Jakarta-Bandung, 
i started to change my mind,
i said that the trip would be not as boring as what I have thought. 
however, part of me was still thinking that this trip is still gonna be not that good :(.  

friends started to pack their luggage, therefore, I think, I should also start to pack my things. Teachers gave the list for the goods, what we should bring, and what should not. I'm so happy that I can bring my iPod with me!  

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