Senin, 14 Maret 2011

Second Day


awake by the alarm o.o
gotta prepare soon!

i am pretty sure,
that the trip is not as boring as what I first thought.

when i went down to the lobby,
there's no one there..
so, janet and i decided to go to Alfamart,
which is located in front of our hotel.

going back to lobby,
and finally, we see Ms.Jenny and some friends of mine.
we eat breakfast together,
and waiting for other people to go down.

others are still eating their breakfast :)
so, we are waiting..

KAA (Konferensi Asia Afrika)

we now go to KAA museum .
KAA museum is one of the most historical places.
its a museum that is  very popular with its conference that happened in the historical.

we heard the performance from the staffs,
 and we already walked by around the KAA.
fun thing from KAA,
I can also learn Pancasila and its historical completely!
people who 's going to do their tasks,
there's the time for us to do it.
the interview in KAA museum worked really well!
The staffs are all welcoming us.


its time for shopping!!
the buses are heading to the distros' station,
which all of the distros are mostly located in that central area.
it will be such a great time!
however, in the distro,
we still need to do our report and inter view ><


after satisfied going from distro to distro,
its time to eat!
Our lunch will be at Pagoda Restaurant,
a Chinese restaurant located nearby the distros.

12:00 - 17.00
Geology Museum
like what its name,
geology museum is  a special place,
 which shares geological info(s) for public.
it has so many collections ,
and very useful for those who wants to be geologist.

when we're doing the interview session,
I was amazed by the collections.
They are so complete,
and yet, there's also descriptions in every collection.
it makes me,
who did not interest in geography,
starts to adore natural objects.

the geology museum has taught me,
for appreciate the land that we have in Indonesia.
i just realized,
there are so many natural resources can be found in Indonesia.


C-59 is a factory of clothing.

in the industry, we are able to see its process.
we also can see the people working.

in the end of the trip to the industry,
we will see the final results of the clothes.
we can also buy the t-shirts with low prices.

to me, C-59 is one of the best destinations in the trip,
as I can learn many things from the clothing industry.

Rumah Mode
another time for shopping! :p
but then, i started to get tired of seeing clothes,
therefore, i went to the coffee shop with some of my friends.
we had so much fun there!
having chit chat and playing some games :)

PvJ- Paris Van Java

from evening until night,
we are staying at one of malls in Bandung.
PvJ is really unique,
and so many cute clothes are sold there.
the prices are also not so expensive,
that's why i bought some clothes :D.

actually, for me,
the time for free time in PvJ were not enough :p.
but then, i still thank to AeroTravel,
that it gave us  an opportunity of free time :)

after going back from PvJ, we are given our dinner,
and also a glass of Bandung's ice, in Indonesian: es campur.
*i want to go to PvJ againnnn :o*

so tired o.o
when my friends asked me to go to their rooms,
i  said i could not.
really really sleepy :p

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