Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Top 10 Romantic Books

  • Gone with the wind by Margaret Mitchell

The novel has also been turned into a box office hit. Many of us have seen the Hollywood flick but have not read the book yet. You belong to this category, then its time for you to read this love saga at the soonest. If you have enjoyed watching the movie, then you would love reading the book more.

Gone with the Wind is the story of a love triangle between Scarlett, Ashley and Rhett. The intense story will fill your heart with sheer romanticism. Any woman, who reads this book, will be able to relate Scarlett with herself. Somewhere there is a hidden Scarlett in each one of us. Her scheming in love, her sweetness, sensitivity and selfishness to make men fall for her is a safely hidden part of each woman. It is hypnotic to explore how she lets go of the man whom she loved and surrenders to one whom she hated the most.

Gone with the Wind must be read and should be added to your bucket list right now.
  • Outlander by Diana Gabaldon

This is the most enthralling romantic novels of all time. The story revolves around Claire Beauchamp, the main character of the book. She returns to Scotland after serving as a nurse in an England torn down by WWII. While journeying back she falls in love with Jamie, who is a warrior. Jamie is young at heart and is just opposite to Frank, her husband. Read on the book to know whom will she finally choose to be with. The dilemma that Claire goes through will engulf you completely. You would start considering yourself in a similar suffocating position.
  • The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

The Notebook would bring you at your emotional edge. Even if you are known for being more hardheaded than romantic, it would bring tears to your eyes. The story revolves around the romance of Allie and Noah. The plot is so grounded that you can completely relate it with your life. You would feel this might happen to anyone around you as you read through. Nicholas Sparks is known for writing best selling romantic books like A Message in a Bottle, A Walk to Remember and The Notebook. You can watch the film adaptation of the book as well. But the book is always more gripping that the movie.
  • Love story by Erich Segal

Love Story would make you cry. It would touch your soul and not just your heart. All those romantic hearts in the world, you would not want to miss this book. Its sentimental prose will make you sob shamelessly. For most, Eric Segal’s Love Story tops the list when it comes to romantic books. If you want to get into the mushy mood, reading this book is necessary.
"What can you say about a twenty-five year old girl who died? That she was beautiful and brilliant. That she loved Mozart and Bach. The Beatles. And me"

The opening lines of the book will steal your heart away. Now you know what is in store for you in the romantic saga. Read on to know how much Jennifer Cavilleri loved Oliver Barrett IV.
  • Pride and prejudice by Jane Austen

Name top 10 romantic books and you can never miss Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. The first 50 pages of the book might sound a little dull. You need to read on to explore more. This is a masterpiece in one word. A classically prolific book you would ever come across. You would be amazed to see how each character unfolds in front of your eyes. Each of the phrases is finely crafted to turn into the most pleasurable book that was ever written.

The plot revolves around a girl belonging to a middle class family, Elizabeth Bennet. She falls in love with Darcy, considered to be the richest man in town. Their dreamy eyed stories will leave you yearning for love.
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte

Most of the people of this generation are more into reading Danielle Steele and Dan Brown than reading age-old classics. Authors like Jane Austen and Charlotte Bronte are not as widely read as the modern day writers are. If you are a book worm and love spending time flipping through the pages of books, the Victorian classics are a must read for you. Jane Eyre is one book that enthralls every book lover. The romance you would experience through the plot will sweep you off your feet. You would not regret reading this book ever. You would if you do not read the book.

The story revolves around the main character Jane Eyre. She lives with her aunt and is an orphan. She finds it difficult to fit herself into the family. Her aunt often abuses Jane emotionally. She is also not allowed to mingle with her cousins. In a way, she is banned from all celebrations of the house. She manages to get a job that keeps are away from her lonely friendless life. She falls in love with Edward Rochester, who is her employer. The story then revolves around the romantic developments of the two.

Jane Eyre was written more than 150 years ago. Yet you would be able to relate to the narration of the story.
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte

This is one of the most gripping novels of all time written by Emily Bronte. The narration will compel you to read the whole book, at one go. It is unputdownable in short. The story is spoken through a trail of sequence in flashback. The picture of Heathcliff is so perfectly created that you can relate to it the moment you start reading. Mr Earnshaw brought him to the peak of success from the streets of Liverpool. Earnshaw never differentiated between his own children and Heathcliff. He gave him all the luxuries of life as to his own children, Catherine and Hindley. After the death of Earnshaw, Heathcliff receives major harassment from Hindley for being in love with Catherine. The complexities in relationship, their romantic inclination and revengeful thoughts would make you read this book again and again.
  • Emma

This love saga by Jane Austen is regarded among the top romantic books of the world. Emma is, also considered by many as, the most well written love novels by the author. The books tells the story of a lady who is too full of herself. Her style made men fall weak on their knees. The episodes travel through romance, heartbreaks and again falling in love uncontrollably.
  • To Love Again by Danielle Steel

Danielle Steel is a widely read author of the modern days. To love again is the story of Isabella. She believed in love that only appeared in fairy tales. She and her husband have everything to make life sound perfect. Trauma engulfs her when she loses her husband.
  • P.S. I Love You by Cecelia Ahern

Written by Cecelia Ahern, P.S. I Love You would simply bring you to tears. The Irish backdrop of the plot adds extra romance to the mind while you read the book. 


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