Sabtu, 02 April 2011

100 Buku Terbaik Sepanjang Masa
  1. Hans Christian Andersen, Denmark, (1805-1875), Fairy Tales and Stories
  2. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Spain, (1547-1616), Don Quixote
  3. Chinua Achebe, Nigeria, (b. 1930), Things Fall Apart
  4. Jane Austen, England, (1775-1817), Pride and Prejudice
  5. Honore de Balzac, France, (1799-1850), Old Goriot
  6. Samuel Beckett, Ireland, (1906-1989), Trilogy: Molloy, Malone Dies, The Unnamable
  7. Albert Camus, France, (1913-1960), The Stranger
  8. Paul Celan, Romania/France, (1920-1970), Poems.
  9. Giovanni Boccaccio, Italy, (1313-1375), Decameron
  10. Jorge Luis Borges, Argentina, (1899-1986), Collected Fictions
  11. Emily Bronte, England, (1818-1848), Wuthering Heights
  12. Louis-Ferdinand Celine, France, (1894-1961), Journey to the End of the Night
  13. Geoffrey Chaucer, England, (1340-1400), Canterbury Tales
  14. Anton P Chekhov, Russia, (1860-1904), Selected Stories
  15. Joseph Conrad, England,(1857-1924), Nostromo
  16. Dante Alighieri, Italy, (1265-1321), The Divine Comedy
  17. Charles Dickens, England, (1812-1870), Great Expectations
  18. Denis Diderot, France, (1713-1784), Jacques the Fatalist and His Master
  19. Alfred Doblin, Germany, (1878-1957), Berlin Alexanderplatz
  20. Fyodor M Dostoyevsky, Russia, (1821-1881), Crime and Punishment; The Idiot; The Possessed; The Brothers Karamazov
  21. George Eliot, England, (1819-1880), Middlemarch
  22. Ralph Ellison, United States, (1914-1994), Invisible Man
  23. Euripides, Greece, (c 480-406 BC), Medea
  24. William Faulkner, United States, (1897-1962), Absalom, Absalom; The Sound and the Fury
  25. Gustave Flaubert, France, (1821-1880), Madame Bovary; A Sentimental Education
  26. Federico Garcia Lorca, Spain, (1898-1936), Gypsy Ballads
  27. Henrik Ibsen, Norway (1828-1906), A Doll’s House
  28. The Book of Job, Israel. (600-400 BC).
  29. James Joyce, Ireland, (1882-1941), Ulysses
  30. Franz Kafka, Bohemia, (1883-1924), The Complete Stories; The Trial; The Castle Bohemia
  31. Kalidasa, India, (c. 400), The Recognition of Sakuntala
  32. Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Colombia, (b. 1928), One Hundred Years of Solitude; Love in the Time of Cholera
  33. Gilgamesh, Mesopotamia (c 1800 BC).
  34. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Germany, (1749-1832), Faust
  35. Nikolai Gogol, Russia, (1809-1852), Dead Souls
  36. Gunter Grass, Germany, (b.1927), The Tin Drum
  37. Joao Guimaraes Rosa, Brazil, (1880-1967), The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
  38. Knut Hamsun, Norway, (1859-1952), Hunger.
  39. Ernest Hemingway, United States, (1899-1961), The Old Man and the Sea
  40. Homer, Greece, (c 700 BC), The Iliad and The Odyssey
  41. Yasunari Kawabata, Japan, (1899-1972), The Sound of the Mountain
  42. Nikos Kazantzakis, Greece, (1883-1957), Zorba the Greek
  43. DH Lawrence, England, (1885-1930), Sons and Lovers
  44. Halldor K Laxness, Iceland, (1902-1998), Independent People
  45. Giacomo Leopardi, Italy, (1798-1837), Complete Poems
  46. Doris Lessing, England, (b.1919), The Golden Notebook
  47. Astrid Lindgren, Sweden, (1907-2002), Pippi Longstocking
  48. Lu Xun, China, (1881-1936), Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
  49. Mahabharata, India, (c 500 BC).
  50. Naguib Mahfouz, Egypt, (b. 1911), Children of Gebelawi
  • Thomas Mann, Germany, (1875-1955), Buddenbrook; The Magic Mountain
  • Herman Melville, United States, (1819-1891), Moby Dick
  • Michel de Montaigne, France, (1533-1592), Essays.
  • Elsa Morante, Italy, (1918-1985), History
  • Toni Morrison, United States, (b. 1931), Beloved
  • Shikibu Murasaki, Japan, (N/A), The Tale of Genji Genji
  • Robert Musil, Austria, (1880-1942), The Man Without Qualities
  • Vladimir Nabokov, Russia/United States, (1899-1977), Lolita
  • Njaals Saga, Iceland, (c 1300).
  • George Orwell, England, (1903-1950), 1984
  • Ovid, Italy, (c 43 BC), Metamorphoses
  • Fernando Pessoa, Portugal, (1888-1935), The Book of Disquiet
  • Edgar Allan Poe, United States, (1809-1849), The Complete Tales
  • Marcel Proust, France, (1871-1922), Remembrance of Things Past
  • Francois Rabelais, France, (1495-1553), Gargantua and Pantagruel
  • Juan Rulfo, Mexico, (1918-1986), Pedro Paramo
  • Jalal ad-din Rumi, Afghanistan, (1207-1273), Mathnawi
  • Salman Rushdie, India/Britain, (b. 1947), Midnight’s Children
  • Valmiki, India, (c 300 BC), Ramayana
  • Virgil, Italy, (70-19 BC), The Aeneid
  • Walt Whitman, United States, (1819-1892), Leaves of Grass
  • Virginia Woolf, England, (1882-1941), Mrs. Dalloway; To the Lighthouse
  • Sophocles, Greece, (496-406 BC), Oedipus the King
  • Stendhal, France, (1783-1842), The Red and the Black
  • Laurence Sterne, Ireland, (1713-1768), The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
  • Italo Svevo, Italy, (1861-1928), Confessions of Zeno
  • Jonathan Swift, Ireland, (1667-1745), Gulliver’s Travels
  • Marguerite Yourcenar, France, (1903-1987), Memoirs of Hadrian
  • Sheikh Musharrif ud-din Sadi, Iran, (c 1200-1292), The Orchard
  • Tayeb Salih, Sudan, (b. 1929), Season of Migration to the North
  • Jose Saramago, Portugal, (b. 1922), Blindness
  • William Shakespeare, England, (1564-1616), Hamlet; King Lear; Othello
  • Leo Tolstoy, Russia, (1828-1910), War and Peace; Anna Karenina; The Death of Ivan Ilyich and Other Stories
  • Thousand and One Nights, India/Iran/Iraq/Egypt, (700-1500).
  • Mark Twain, United States, (1835-1910), The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
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